Socialists Always Want Other People’s Stuff

When a person has an idea for a product or service, or they work on developing a talent, and puts in the time, the work, and the effort into developing it; it is that individual who deserves the fruit of that labor, and no one else.

As long as that person pays the remunerations all parties agreed on, to the people who helped them along the way, and meets all legal obligations; then all other rewards belong to them. It belongs to them because it is their idea, their product, their talent, their work behind it.

When a person starting a business, or trying to develop  an idea runs into financial difficulty, that individual still has to meet his or her obligation to pay workers, whether or not the business makes a profit. 

The entrepreneurs are the ones who have to deal with legal issues. When someone threatens to sue them, they are the ones who have to defend the business, and deal with the stress of the situation. They have to hire lawyers and pay the exorbitant fees for lawyer services . 

When people accuse the business of being unscrupulous, taking shortcuts, not following regulations etc. it is the entrepreneur who has to content with that.

They workers seldom know what is going on behind the scenes. They don’t experience sleepless nights because a competitor is trying to ruin them. It is the entrepreneur who who wakes up at 2 am after going to bed at 12:29 because he was trying to resolve a problem that threatens to put him out of business.

The workers show up happy to put in their time, clock out and draw the checks they freely agreed to in exchange for their work, without any idea of what it takes to continue receiving them. 

Workers don’t experience the anxiety, the uncertainty the business owner deals with constantly. They don’t know  the fear of failure that is common for the entrepreneur. They don’t know what it is to sacrifice family in pursuit of business success, or making their idea work. 

No one but the entrepreneur has days of simply running out of options, and just taking chance on himself by using his mortgage money, or rent money, or failing to meet some other obligation, to invest in their dream just to keep it alive.

When the banks come knocking, they do not knock on the doors of anyone else but the entrepreneurs.

Then when the business is  finally successful, problems do not diminish. They have to continue dealing with all the pressures, and unseen circumstances and challenges that continue going on behind the scenes of running a successful business. 

As the entrepreneur begins to reap the rewards of his business, along comes some envious socialist who demands that she distributes to others what she has earned, because it is unfair for one person to have so much money while there is so much suffering in the world. 

Or they tell you that the profits should be distributed equally among the workers because it is the workers who built the business. They say that no one person should have all of that money, and that it is unfair because there are so many who do not even earn in one year what the entrepreneur earns in a week.

They become greedy, covetous, resentful, and filled with jealousy, demanding that the Government take more and more of what the entrepreneur has built. Why?…because it is unfair for one person to have so much while so many have so little. That’s the excuse.

They think that the Government should be the arbiter of fairness with other people’s money. The free exchange of goods and services between suppliers and customers, or the free willed agreement between employers and employee is never good enough for them.

They want Government to move in with the power and force of the state to make all things “fair,” or “equal,” whatever any of that means.

Some of them even espouse the idea that the entrepreneur should not have the right to leave his fortune to whomsoever he or she chooses. Not even their children should be able to inherit all of their wealth. 

Some outside bureaucratic government agency or law should be in charge of deciding how that money should be dispersed. We know with government being as efficient and resistant to corruption as they are, that is bound to go swimmingly. 

The idea of personal property means nothing to them. They think that because some people are selfish and greedy with their own stuff they have earned or acquired, then they should lose their God given rights of ownership.

The attitude of these socialists, demonstrates the worst of human nature. It’s built on greed, envy and resentment, disguised as compassion. They look at what others have and think they have a right to it, or the government has a right to it on behalf of others. 

These qualities are just as bad as the greed they condemn. It is perhaps even worse, but they don’t see it.

Remember How The Left Treated Trump

As the left continues to pontificate and pretend that they are better than the rest of us, don’t forget that during Trump’s inauguration leftist mobs raged and rioted on the streets of Washington D.C. They smashed cars, and store fronts. They got in violent confrontations with the police. They set cars on fire, and damaged police vehicles.

Who can forget the dramatic picture of a stretch limo that was set on fire by the marauding hordes of protestors? By the time it was over the police had arrested over 200 agitators.

The mob did not restrict their actions to Washington D.C. though, they took their protests to cities across America during the inauguration. How about when on the day after the inauguration, leftist agitators shouted “not my President?” They blocked highways and other roadways, and in Portland they even caused the delay of trains.

After Trump was inaugurated the FBI put out information to the media about a supposed dossier that showed Trump paid prostitutes to pee on a bed on which Obama had slept, then based on absolutely nothing they launched a three year attack accusing Trump of being a Russian stooge (the investigation was not launched because of the “Russia if you are listening statement” during the campaign).

67 Congresspeople refused to attend his inauguration. Members of Hollywood, and a member of the Obama administration called for military action against him.

Democrats and the leftist news media proceeded to call Trump all sorts of names. Even former spy chiefs James Clapper and Paul Brennan were all over the airwaves, suggesting and saying that Trump is a Russian asset. For the entire four years that Trump was President they never let up from their attacks. To this day Hillary Clinton continues to refer to Trump’s tenure as President as illegitimate.

We had Maxine Waters encouraging people to get aggressive and harass members of Trump’s team in gas stations, theaters, and supermarkets. Wearing a MAGA hat became a potential hazard to the wearer. Celebrities were on Twitter and all over the media competing to see who could attack Trump in the most vile manner. Many openly spoke of how delighted they would be if he died a violent death.

The Democrats did everything in their power to sabotage Trump’s every move. They could not even rejoice when he killed two of the most violent terrorists responsible for the deaths of Americans across the globe. Even that was an occasion for them to criticize Trump.

They called Trump every nasty name in the book. For the entire four years of his Presidency, Tump was unable to find any cooperation from the Democrat Party. They railed, and they railed, and they railed against him down to his last days.

They impeached him for asking the leader of Ukraine to “interfere in the Presidential election.” There was nothing in the transcript of Trump’s call with the Ukrainian President that showed any such request. There was literally no discussion about the elections in the call that the Democrats accused him of making, but that’s not all.

In a hurried manner, they impeached Trump for purportedly inciting an insurrection, without affording him any opportunity to defend himself. This happened over the period of a few days. No one could produce any video, audio or any evidence of Trump inciting the so called insurrection, but that did not matter. Dirtying up Trump on his way out as much as they could was the goal.

This is not even a quarter of the story. Make sure to remember all of this. Don’t be vindictive. Do not resort to their tactics, but certainly do not play by their rules.

Now they are going after Trump in the courts in a way that we never thought we’d see in America, while they gas light us telling us all of this is normal procedure.

Don’t let these people lecture you.

Trump’s Mental Decline

The recent attempt by Democrats to paint Donald Trump as senile have been comical at best.

You listen to them and you know what the term gas lighting means.

Even Nancy Pelosi and President Biden himself have joined to act. Now let a vivid picture of these two come to mind.

It’s so comical that getting offended is not even an option. The natural response should be to lose yourself in hysterical as laughter. Seriously, what other response is there?

On the other hand you know you have to call them out and make sure that everyone recognizes how ludicrous these claims of Trump’s mental decline are.

Even though you recognize the criticisms of Trump’s mental state for the prime time Comedy Central material they are, you can never make the error of letting their rhetoric go unchallenged.

The leftist frauds masquerading as media have the tendency to take anything a Democrat says and turn it into an annoying theme song that tends to stick in the minds of the incurious, unthinking drones who listen to them.

So go ahead. Laugh at these fools as they try to gaslight everyone into thinking that Trump is going off his rocker, but remind them of the eggshell in a suit dragging around around the White House, who also happens to be the current President of the United States.

Put these people to shame with every chance you get.

The Trump Phenomenon And The Effort To Take Him Out

Ladies and gentlemen, when Donald Trump announced his run for President, I too, began to laugh. I’m talking about rib tickling, side splitting, thigh slapping, head flinging, stomach holding, rolling on the ground laughter. I guffawed like you could not imagine.

Then I observed the way the establishment responded to him. Sure he was outlandish. He was crude at times. He was rude at other times, and he certainly did not possess the aura of what we call Presidential.

It was obvious the guy is a joke, but come on, the process will weed out the pretenders like him, and the best man will be left standing tall.

In the early days when leftists tried to disrupt his campaign at rallies, it was hard to believe when Trump told his supporters at one time that he would pay their legal defense bills, when some of his supporters physically went after a few of the unhinged lefties at the rallies.

Was this guy really encouraging violence?

That is crazy!

The media rightly took him to task for that, then he corrected it before it really got out of hand.

Here’s the irony though, after that, the people at Trump rallies often became the targets of violent leftist attacks, and the same media that was so rightly outraged at the couple incidents of mild by comparison attacks on leftist agitators, refused to cover leftist violence against Trump supporters with the same vigor.

Trump was the only candidate physically attacked on stage, and his supporters suffered some really brutal attacks throughout the campaign. The San Jose rally comes to mind.

What was the reason for the one sided approach by the media?

Then there was the “Russia if you are listening” comment by Trump.

One could only think, this guy is out of control!

Trump was obviously making the point that Hillary’s private e-mail was exposed to foreign surveillance, and was a national security risk because she did not have any of the network protections/security that is usually in place for such high level Government employee communications, but seriously, that comment by Trump was way out there.

There was no way he could win right?

Then after starting to pay attention, and listening to what he was actually saying, minus the side show stuff, the guy made the most sense of all the candidates.

These were just a few of the things Trump spoke on:

NATO countries not meeting their financial obligations while America fits most of the bill.

The rise of ISIS and the policies that were hindering the Military defeating this threat.

China’s unfair trade practices and their constant theft of American intellectual property.

American’s endless wars.

The climate nonsense stifling the economy and preventing America from gaining energy independence.

The porous border and a failing immigration system.

The substandard circumstances, and living conditions of too many black people.

When it came to policy, Trump was on target.

His comments about illegal immigrants coming from Mexico were not particularly offensive.

They sounded more like hard truths the politically correct did not want said than bigotry to me. Certainly not what the open borders advocates would say, but definitely not an opinion so over the top to evoke the kind of response by the media, and others in the ruling class.

Trump still seemed like a side show though, but the venemous hostility toward him certainly was grabbing my attention more and more.

That raw, naked, nasty relentless aggression to take Trump out, and all the dirty tricks against him made me stop and take notice.

Then Trump started to become more appealing.

Some questions needed answers. How is it possible that almost all of the reporting on one politician would be so one sided, no matter what the issue was.

No matter what the guy did or said, the reporting was overwhelmingly negative.

How is it that in all the media coverage of this man, he’s never given the benefit of the doubt on any single issue?

Not once have we ever seen the media carefully scrutinize the other side of any negative story on Trump, and treated it with any curiosity. His surrogates never got to come on any program and lay out their case in anything but a hostile environment.

All these years later, and the same unwavering pursuit to take out this one man has convinced me that there is more to this.

All of the norms, and the protocols that the media and others have been so willing to abandon in order to stop this dude is not normal.

With all the knives, darts, bullets and missiles that have been pulled out and targeted against Trump in the last few years, thinking people are supposed to look at all of it and just go “meh, nothing unusual happening here. This is just routine stuff.”

Nah bruh!

The establishment has spoken. The message is loud and could not be clearer. Heed their warning! If you want to be involved in American politics, all are welcome, but you will play the game by their rules.

You’d better get rid of any ideas you may have about challenging their influence, their methods of doing business, their goals, or the mechanisms they employ to achieve their goals.

You will play by their rules or they will destroy you.

Play ball or else.

The Great Climate Change Scam

Think about this for a minute.

The world as we know it is about to end, and the earth is about to be destroyed. If you have all the answers to avert this disaster, you would be justified in taking whatever actions you need to take if you were in control of the mechanisms that could avert the disaster, right.

That’s the klaimate schange scam right there. Oh, the klaimate is schanging. Make no mistake about that. No one denies it is. It always has. It always will.

If is especially noticeable in cities where there are tall buildings, heat trapping materials like asphalt, concrete, a lot of people running around Iike ants in a colony, factories, and other heat generating devices like cars etc.

However, the idea that we are all about to die in a Chicken Little panic from a heat vortex, because over the last century temperatures have risen by a small fraction higher than other periods in the history of the earth, is ludicrous.

No one should be afraid to say this.

The hysteria over climate change is a power play that governments, and elites use to take more control over the lives of citizens.

Don’t doubt that for one minute, and don’t forget to follow the money either. It is about corrupt politicians using a so called crisis to enrich themselves and their cronies, using the so called threat to humanity as an excuse to get away with actions that under normal circumstances they would not.

Look at the things they are doing, and what they want to do in the name of this fake emergency.

As a nation we can’t even exploit to the maximum extent the rich supply of natural energy sources that we have available to us.

We can literally be energy independent in the truest sense of the word if we were able to tap in to the abundant energy resources that we have, but we can’t…because the earth is dying, supposedly, and using these resources will quicken the process.

It’s a scam ladies and gentlemen.

It’s the reason our betters allow no discussion on the issue. It is why they even attempt to censor any kind of opposing view on the point. The debate is over they tell us.

When did we ever have the debate in the first place? They just say it repeat and then tell you to be quiet.

Taking care of the environment makes sense. We should be good stewards of our surroundings. We should not be wantonly polluting the atmosphere and poisoning our water sources. Littering our beaches and indiscriminately chopping down our forests is counterproductive. That only makes sense, but this hysteria over klaimate schange is just another tool of fear.

When has the klaimate ever not changed in all the years of the earth’s existence? Why does no one ever tell us what the specific goals of the science klaimate alarmists are?

How would we measure that we have the klaimate under control? How will the klaimate be different when it is fixed?

How many more of their gloom and doom predictions have to fail before these frauds are held to account?

They just continue to make more predictions of impending doom, making unrealistic demands of people without them asking any questions.

They scream the word science and expect you to shut up because they do. Then they call you a science denier because you dare to use your brain and point out the deficiencies in their arguments, their lies and failed predictions.

The answer to these maniacs is to keep calling them out at every opportunity. Don’t be afraid to point out the flaws in their arguments. Remind them of their failed predictions, and the fact that not one of their predictions has ever come true.

Ridicule and scorn is what they use to silence anyone who opposes them and their radical agenda, but speak louder when they use this tactic.

Remember that one of the big reasons we have gotten to this stage is because people have been silent while they were spreading their propaganda unopposed.

You Do Not Have To Agree With The LGBTQIA+ Agenda

Hey people, let’s get this straight again.

People have their personal beliefs about sex and sexual behavior. They hold these beliefs for moral reasons, some for religious reasons, some because they believe that taking the sexual aberrations that exist in the world, trying to turn them into the norm, and forcing them on the populace to accept them is a dangerous precedent.

These are some of the reasons that people do not accept the LGBTQIA+ agenda. It’s not because they hate the people who belong to this group.

They do not believe that people who belong to this group are less than human. They do not believe that these people should be treated like they are not good neighbors or should be denied their rights as Americans.

They simply believe that societies do not have to reconfigure or restructure themselves, nor should they be forced to accommodate the sexual proclivities of those who belong to this group. Sexual preference is not the same as race.

If people are told that they have to accept, affirm and promote the sexual preferences that are outside the norm of all humanity, or the gender confusion that some people have, then we are heading to a dangerous place.

Where does it end? People can find reasons to justify any kind of sexual behavior outside the norm of a man and woman in the bond of marriage.

We can look and see how that has already wreaked havoc on every society where so many children are born outside of marriage (more can be said on this, at another time).

One does not have to think that men having sex with men, or women having sex with women is a beautiful thing to be a decent citizen. One can be generous, kind and exhibit all the qualities of a good citizen, and believe at the same time that societies should not cater to people who think that their sexual, emotional or other feelings are enough to grant them special rights, while imposing on the rights of others who wish to preserve societal norms.

You can’t govern a society based heavily on catering to people based on what they do outside of the most normal sexual practices, or what/how they feel about their gender.

If this is a major part of any governing principle, then that will ultimately lead to breakdown within a society.

With the shifting balance of power in the world, other countries will look at what is happening in the west and the United States in particular and reject the demands to cater to people based on their sexual proclivities that are outside the norm.

There is a good chance that we’ll even see more overreactions like we see in Uganda.

An individual has the right to live how he or she pleases, but the incessant encroachment and pressure to force those who hold to traditional values to accept and endorse all kinds of strange sexual behavior is a bridge too far for many.

It does not get one invited to parties to say these things. It’s unpopular. Saying this automatically means you are excluded from the cool club. People look at you different. They call you bigot, hate monger etc. but hey, that’s the way it is.

That does not mean any of it is true.

The Destructive Evil Left And The Democrat Party

Societies change over time, and it usually happens over a slow, gradual, natural process.

The left has worked over a hundred years to take over most of the institutions in our society, so in that sense the process has been slow, but then they woke up one morning and just decided that everyone must now accept their radical agenda and those who oppose it must be destroyed.

In the end, they’ll probably end up winning because they’ve laid the groundwork for their takeover, and they are on the ascent.

Like everywhere else, their policies will lead to collapse in America, and a once great nation will just be another among many. Their policies simply do not work. We have the proof all around the world that it does not.

They have no success stories of their own. They usually come in after countries have built themselves into successful national entities, then they take over, begin implementing their radical agenda, destroy all the mechanisms that led to success, and drag the country down.

They expect in all of this that people just lie back and accept what they are doing.

If their is one successful nation that was built from the ground up based on leftist systems someone needs to identify it.

Well they may end up in control, but in the meanwhile there are no apologies for calling out their evil agenda.

If doing so makes is unhinged, then so be it.

The following are things that need to continue being highlighted in the effort to keep pointing out how dangerous, destructive and evil this ideology propagated by the Democrat Party is.

This is not even a comprehensive list:

The abandonment of patriotism.

Hatred of country for sins of the past (while loving the Party that was behind them).

Abandonment of our religious traditions.

Open attacks on Christianity, the way that has changed the lives of people and transformed civilizations for the better like nothing before it or since (as they tell us it’s only happening in our mind).

Men in women’s sports.

Men in women’s bathrooms.

The mutilation of children.

The forcing of transgender ideology.

The open sexualization of children (while gaslighting that it’s only in the imagination of right wingers).

Attacks on the foundational institution of society that has been the building block of Western civilization for over a thousand years, the nuclear family.


The demonization of white men.

The casting of black men as victims.

Now they have openly adopted race based policies that they justify because white people are the targets.

The constant appeal to race and blaming everything on white supremacy.

The first amendment of the constitution under constant attack with blatant open attempts on censorship, freedom of the press, trying to force religious organizations to bow to the new lais sez faire attitudes on sex.

The heavy hand of government in the name of safety.

The constant attacks on the second amendment.

Cancel culture in full swing affecting mostly people of one political persuasion.

No cash bail.

Releasing criminals in the name of equity.

Violent crime like we have no seen in decades as a direct result of liberal policies.

The open abuse and targeting of political opponents affecting mostly people of one political persuasion.

Radical abortion that includes up to the week of birth.

The politicization of medicine.

The open embrace of the evil ideology of Marxism that we know has led to the violent and/or poverty stricken demise of millions.

The machine promoting all of this is evil to the core. Sorry, words have meaning.

Is Diversity Really Our Strength

One of the biggest lies propagated as virtue in the United States of Wokelandia is the idea that diversity is our strength.

It’s not true. Not only is it not true, but it’s one of the biggest lies ever propagated and presented as virtue.

Diversity is not our strength. Unity is.

When the citizens of Wokelandia speak of diversity, they are usual talking about immutable physical characteristics like skin tone, eye color, hair texture, genitalia etc. Included in the Wokelandian diversity spectrum are those with internal characteristics like same sex attraction (sexual and emotional attraction), men who think they are women, and women who think they are men.

This diversity, or any similar kind of diversity has nothing to offer us just because the people who make up this group have all of these differences.

One could say many things about diversity. Diversity is interesting. Diversity is often beautiful. Diversity makes for interesting conversation. Diversity can seem scary to some. For others diversity is wonderful. Appreciating diversity can be a sign of strong character.

The one thing we can’t automatically say is that diversity is our strength, because there is some type of intrinsic value in these differences. There is no special value just in being diverse.

We are all special in the eyes of God, and there is something beautiful in the uniqueness of who we are, but minus a strong set of values that help to shape character; our individual makeup is not worth much.

Even diversity of opinion/ideas do not make diversity our strength. What does that statement mean? Well there are many great ideas that are out there, just wafting around in the ether, and no one is doing anything with them. In addition, not because ideas are diverse does it mean that they are good ideas. Bad ideas can be destructive if put into action, and good ideas are useless if no one acts on them.

However, If one has to make a choice between diverse opinions/ideas, and the diversity that the citizens of Wokelandia love to champion, then go with diversity of ideas/opinion every time. At least there is potential there for good things to come out of it. Good ideas hold world changing possibilities.

The diversity of Wokelandia is completely useless if you have a village full of the diversity they speak about, but they all have the same rotten ideas, which is often the case.

On the other hand, If people have shared values that are known to promote flourishing, prosperity, safety, security, happiness, building of character, and improving people’s lives in general, then they can unite around those values.

In America there is the idea that all men are created equal, and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

If the citizens of Wokelandia united around this important principle in trying to find solutions to the problems that ail society, or if this idea drove them to try and be innovative, or to spark creativity, they would get a lot further than diversity for the sake of diversity will ever get them.

The idea that diversity is our strength may play well in Wokelandia. When put under a microscope though, those of us in the good ol’’ US of A know well that it is unity in the values that we share, and building off of all the things those values produce, that we have our strength, not some superficial idea about diversity.

The Left

The Left

Here’s an important qualifier when talking about the left. Its not necessarily referring to those with whom we share some different opinions on taxes, the role of Government, how big that role should be, health care, and many other traditional differences that we’ve had since the country’s founding.

When talking about the left, it is those rabid, hateful, wicked, scoundrels who attack their political opponents with virulent rhetoric, ad hominem attacks, and vicious insults, intimidation and violence because they can’t defend their ideology on the merits.

It is the people who are consciously trying to destroy the family as the institution that we have known it to be that is in mind.

They believe that boys can be girls and girls can be boys, that children should be given hormonal treatment, and mutilated to give credence to the transgender ideology.

The left has a laissez faire attitude about sex. They think that society should not make any judgments about any kind of sexual behavior. They believe that society should not have any norms about sexual behavior that are worth preserving . Anything goes with them, and no one should object or they will seek to destroy whoever does object.

The left includes the people who proudly walk around with images of Che Guevara on their T-shirts. They sing the praises of Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Nicolas Maduro, and other despots despite the destruction these leaders have wrought on their citizens.

The left believes that censorship is great and those who have an opinion differing from the status quo do not need to be heard. They insist that America as founded is a failure because the system is not perfect. They show disdain for the country and love to desecrate the flag to show how much they hate the country.

The left believes in dividing people into groups and judging everyone in those groups based on certain immutable and other characteristics.

They think that all disparities exist because a neboulous system is entrenched to ensure this purpose.

The left insists that abortion should have no restrictions and that a woman should be able to kill the life developing in her womb all the way up to the day of delivery, simply because nature made women the vessel through which life comes into the world.

They run cities like San Francisco and despite the obvious toll their policies have had, they double down on them.

They think that overt racism against white people is cool and they see blacks as perpetual victims who just can’t get ahead without a handout. They hold black people to a completely different standard of accountability, and they see themselves as virtuous because of it.

Violence and intimidation are major tools they employ to spread their ideology. They think the Ferguson riots, the Baltimore riots, and the riots all across the country in 2020 were righteous acts.

The list goes on, but you get the idea. What makes them particularly dangerous is that they are not just a fringe movement. They are, but they have major support in the media, academia, Hollywood, big tech and other institutions of influence.

They seldom face consequences for their actions, and so they often continue with business as usual, unafraid that they will ever pay the price for their behavior.

That is who is in mind when talking about the left, not just your Democrat neighbor who thinks that the openly Marxist Party they support is not who the Party says they are.

They still have nostalgia for the days of JFK. They think that we are dealing with the same differences we’ve always had.

Who, what comes to mind when you think of the left?

The Joy Of The Left Over A Black Man’s Death

I try to imagine what it must be like to be in a room filled with leftists when a black man is killed by the police.

Can you imagine the scene? They start hooting and hollering, pumping fists in the air, in excited, Tiger Woods style, after winning his first Masters title and screaming out an enthusiastic yassss!They start doing a jig, break dancing, and jumping around excitedly.

A black man just got killed by the police ah ah, a black man just got killed by the police ah ah, a black man got killed by the police ah ah, a black man got killed by the…sheer joy and celebration.

To anyone in the room unfamiliar with what may be going on, looking a bit confused and trying to figure out what the heck is happening; that person soon gets it.

Before long, one of the other leftists in the room walks over and says what’s wrong with you, didn’t you hear? Another black man’s been killed by the police. He turns around a bit annoyed that the rookie lefty in the room doesn’t quite get it, but he’s still excited and let’s out a big woohooo!

When the sheer joy and excitement of another black man losing his life at the hands of the police dissipates a bit, and they are still high fiving each other on the residue of the high from the “good” news, the rookie suddenly begins to get it.

The black man’s death is an opportunity to push leftist ideology further. The joy soon transforms into melancholy. The cause is the most important issue, but a man did die after all.

Oh well back to the order of business. As Hillary Clinton and Rahm Emmanuel said, never let a crisis go to waste. That dead black man, his family, friends, acquaintances, colleagues and others do not matter as much as the cause. His death must be exploited for leftist gain.

Nevertheless they cant appear to be too callous. Soon everywhere, not just in the room, leftist joy is replaced by feigned, make believe outrage and concern over the truly grave situation that a human being lost his life in a very unfortunate situation.

The gravity of the black man’s death suddenly transforms them into creatures of obvious, showy outrage. They begin to fake sorrow and act concerned, but make no mistake, they do not care about the deaths of black men killed in these tragic circumstances as much as they care about pushing their agenda forward using the awful circumstance.

It would be impossible for them to care less.

A black man’s death only matters to them if he is killed by the police. That’s what they care about. If it’s a white policeman, then awesome. That’s a winner right there. They care alright.

They then proceed to sound the trumpet tu dut tu du du! Tu dut tu du du! Let the race baiting begin.

Then the white lefties at the helm of the movement together with the black bourgeoisie start pushing the same narrative. Black men are under siege in America, mthey begin to shout gleefully outraged.

Whether it’s a white cop, an orange cop, a purple cop or a black cop, they’ll find a way to turn the situation into a race issue.

If you want proof just look at the recent killing of Tyre Nichols. Somehow the white left, and the black left bourgeoisie managed to turn a terrible, terrible act of violence committed against this man by five black police officers, from a police force that is majority black, with black leaders all across the top, with a City Council led by a black man, plus six other black Council members on a 13 member board into, white supremacy.

One can only draw from what they are sayin, that black people are so incapable of critical thinking, the ability to reason, or to spot unfairness, and injustice, that even when they are in positions of leadership, they can’t help but unwittingly practice white supremacy on behalf of the evil white man, and his eeeeeevil system. That is how pathetic black people are in the eyes of these frauds.

Don’t believe for one second that these people are about police reform either. They welcome these abuses by the police because it presents opportunity.

What they want is to undermine the police. They want the public to see the police as incompetent, untrustworthy, and out of control. They want the chaos that would result from a police force that is broken and demoralized.

They can then present themselves as the heros who’ll rescue us from the chaos they themselves orchestrated and helped to create. They’ll rescue us by implementing policies and laws that under normal circumstances we the people would reject.

No sir don’t buy it for one second. What they care about is leftist ideology and the opportunity to ride the deaths of black men into their Marxist paradise.