Kamala Harris campaign ends

Today Kamala Harris brought her Presidential campaign to a merciful end. We know that she wanted to be President, but exactly why we do not know…oh yes we do. “Orange man nazi” and as she so eloquently expressed “dude gotta go.” That was the extent of it.

Her campaign caught on about five minutes after she entered the race. There was a lot of rejoicing and praise in the media when she announced her candidacy. She was compared to god himself, Barrack Obama. Not one person in the media had a negative thing to say about her. Listening to Chris Matthews, Joy Reid and the drones at CNN, the New York Times and the other pretend news media outlets talk about Harris, one could be forgiven for thinking that she had wings and a lovely golden halo neatly encircling her head as she elevates herself above the rest of us. 

Kamala Harris was a top tier candidate they told us, and they did their best to convince the world that she was. The truth is that as a politician, this woman is an empty vessel who thrives on the politics of personal destruction, victimology, and a whole bunch of nothing. While she was running she changed the focus of her campaign almost as frequently as she changed her clothes, and by the way, orange man stupid. 

Now that her campaign has sensibly come to an overdue conclusion, the news media has gone into deep thinking analytical mode to see if they can figure out why this jewel of a candidate did not resonate with Democrat voters. They found the answer. Being the deep thinkers that they are, and possessing the intellectual curiosity that we know these geniuses in the media possess, we knew that the answer would be full of nuance. 

Here goes…ready…ok…here it is, the answer…racism and sexism. No one was expecting this, but then again, maybe we should have expected it…right? It can’t possible be because she ran an awful campaign or perhaps, just maybe she ran into a buzz saw named Tulsi Gabbard. No siree, none of that. As Tucker Carlson so brilliantly reminded his audience, some of the main reasons that anything bad happens in America is because of racism, sexism, and Russia. So maybe all of that deep thinking and analysis by our trusted friends in the media was not necessary after all.  

When questioned about the racism that caused Harris’s campaign to remain stuck, and about her lack of support from black voters who supported Joe Biden, this is what a black Democrat by the the name of Quentin James said: “as a person of color, we have to work twice as hard, get twice as much credentials only to be given an opportunity to work or play on the field where the goal posts are moved, but if you are rich and white in this country you can buy things when you don’t have credentials.” Do you get that? We black people, we victims! He went on, you (rich white people) can buy your kids college admissions and guess what, you can buy the White House. Pressed further, Quentin continued his lesson in victimology. 

He stressed that Harris’s lack of support among black voters is because…are you ready for this? You had better be read for this because it will blow your mind, but then again, maybe not. He said that “the fact that many black voters in South Carolina were considering voting for Joe Biden over Kamala Harris or Cory Booker or other black candidates the same way they considered voting for Hillary Clinton over Barrack Obama is racism.” Booyah, there you go! That is why black people were thinking of voting for Biden over Kamala. He further explained, “it is the fact that black voters would rather put the question mark of what would white voters do? Would white voters be ok with the black candidate? Maybe not, maybe it’s only safe to vote for the white guy.” In other words “Sambo wants to sees how massa votes before Sambo goes and votes.”

This is what Democrats think of black people, and it is infuriating to see. Now, in all of this; keep in mind that this is the Democrat Party primaries. So essentially what they are saying is that the reason Democrats did not latch on to Harris as a candidate is because Democrats are racists. The  black Democrats in particular who vote in Democrat primaries have no choice as serfs on the Democrat plantation but to follow their white liberal plantation owners, and vote for whoever their white liberal masssas tell them.

This is what your Party thinks of you black Democrats.